I remember my mum making this quiche for Sunday tea. It was always a favourite of mine, along with cheese and onion quiche. The nice thing about a quiche is you can pretty much add whatever you fancy in it - salmon, vegetables, bacon, pancetta, variety of cheeses, so perfect to use up any left-overs. It is also great for low carbers!
Serves 8
Nutritional information per slice
300 Kcals
26.7g fat
1.52g net carbohydrates
15g Protein
6 eggs, beaten
200ml cream
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp parsley
Seasoning to taste
4 rashers of smoked bacon, cooked and diced
1 bunch of spring onions, finely chopped
300g asparagus, trimmed and cut lengthways
120g mature cheddar, grated
Preheat the oven to 185ºc
Mix the eggs and cream together in a jug until combined well
Add the herbs and season well.
Chop the bacon pieces in the base of your large ovenproof dish. Top with the onion and cheese. Finish with the asparagus.
Pour the egg mixture into the ovenproof dish until everything is covered.
Place in the oven and cook for 30-40 minutes until it has risen and has a nice golden top.
Serve hot or cold.