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Clinic Plus Stool Test & SIBO Package

CSAP stool test +SIBO testing, with 1 hr Clinic consultation + 2 x Follow-Up - worth £861 Save £76

1 h
785 British pounds
Holmedale Health

Service Description

This package is for the following package: * CSAPx2 Stool Test worth £359 * SIBO Lactose Breath Test worth £177 * 1 Hour Clinic consultation worth £175 * 30min Zoom Follow-Up Consultation worth £75 * 30min Zoom Test summary worth £75 * All Reports and recommendations * 2 months of Unlimited email support * 10% discount on herbs, supplements & natural products The Comprehensive Stool Analysis + Parasitology (CSAP) is an invaluable non-invasive diagnostic assessment that permits practitioners to objectively evaluate the status of beneficial and imbalanced commensal bacteria, pathogenic bacteria, yeast/fungus and parasites by culture, PCR, and other gold standard methods. Precise identification of pathogenic species and susceptibility testing greatly facilitates the selection of the most appropriate pharmaceutical or natural treatment agents. Indications • Autoimmune Disease • Food Allergies/Sensitivities • Gastrointestinal Symptoms • IBD/IBS • Inflammation • Joint Pain • Nutritional Deficiencies • Systemic illnesses • Toxic overload Contributing/causal factors • Bacterial overgrowth or imbalances (dysbiosis) • Chronic maldigestion • Food allergen impact on bowel absorptive surfaces • Low gastric acid production • Pathogenic bacteria, yeast or parasites and related toxic irritants • The use of NSAIDs and antibiotic SIBO Profiles are non-invasive breath tests which capture exhaled hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4) gases following patient ingestion of a Lactulose ℞ solution to evaluate small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and intestinal methanogen overgrowth (IMO). SIBO is a common clinical condition characterised by excessive bacteria in the small intestine, which can develop in a variety of patient populations. All appointments need to be taken within six months of the initial booking.

Cancellation Policy

Our cancellation policy: • If the client cancels a consultation within 48 hours of the appointment (but not less than 24 hours), a 50% session fee will be retained. with 50% being refunded.* • If the client cancels a consultation with less than 24 hours’ notice, then the full session fee will be retained. * • Please note, if your completed and signed Basic Information and Food & Drink forms are not received at least 24 hours before the appointment, the nutrition consultation session cannot go ahead, and your fee will be forfeited, and no refund will be given. Your appointment will be deemed as a non-refundable cancellation. * Please note, for those who have purchased package deals which include diagnostic tests, the refund policy does not include the RRP cost of the test once the test has been processed. If a patient needs to return at test, it can only be accepted in original, sealed/unused condition within 30 days of purchase. Unless otherwise stated, packages must be used within 6 months.

Contact Details

  • Holmedale Health, 34 Denmark Road, Exeter EX1 1SE, UK

    ++44 07545 287816

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