When I was little, my mum always made me egg custard. I never drank milk so she used to try to fill me up with milky puddings - this still remains a favourite of mine when I am feeling under the weather or need an emotional hug! Delicious served with a handful of berries.

Serves 4
Nutritional information Per Serving
153 Kcals
9.6g fat
5.6g net carbohydrates
0.1g fibre
11.3g Protein
4 eggs
500ml full fat milk
50g xylitol or erythritol blend (or stevia to taste)
2 tsp vanilla extract
Grated fresh nutmeg
If your slow cooker needs to be preheated, turn it on 15 minutes before using. Refer to your manufacturer’s instructions for more information on your specific model temperatures.
Beat the eggs in a bowl and beat well. Add all the remaining ingredients apart from the nutmeg and continue to beat.
You can make these in individual ramekins or a 1 litre ovenproof bowl. Alternatively, you can pour into a very well-greased base of your slow cooker, though I prefer to use ramekins or an ovenproof dish as I find it cleaner and easier.
Pour into your chosen dishes. Grate nutmeg over the top of the pudding.
Make sure your ovenproof dish fits in your slow cooker
Cover the dish with tin foil and ensure it is sealed well
Place the dish in the slow cooker. Fill with warm water to it half fills up to the sides of the ovenproof dish.
Turn to high and cook for 2-3 hours, until firm.
Once cooked, decorate with some berries.